金秋十月的上海,时尚风云再次汇聚。2013年10月22日,新天地太平湖,英国威廉希尔唯一官网服装学院将携手英国德蒙福特大学艺术设计人文学院(Faculty of Art, Design and Humanities,De Montfort University)和美国明尼苏达设计学院(College of Design, University of Minnesota)共同举行中英美学生设计作品发布会。本次联演主题“视.VIEW”-----眼睛的旅行、视的饕餮、眼的快闪, 表达了不同国家、不同背景的设计师对所视所感的呈现,无边无类、参差百态。作品通过色彩的变幻、材质的立体化、结构上的透视套叠,形成视觉层级,产生出视幻、视错以及视眩的独特视觉效果。将具有原创精神的设计理念与现代服饰产业相链接,表现出新生代设计师对艺术、时尚及服装文化的理解和探索。
In this golden autumn, Shanghai will welcome the annual fashion carnival, Shanghai Fashion Week. On Oct. 22nd, together with School of Fashion and Textiles at De Montfort University (DMU) and College of Design at University of Minnesota (U of M), School of Fashion Engineering at Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES) will hold a united fashion show of students’ design works in Taiping Lake, Xintiandi. With a theme of “View”, this united fashion show will provide diverse works based on the views of designers from different country and background. Though the changing color, three-dimensional materials and perspective structure, visual hierarchy will be displayed to bring unique visual effect. The fashion show will demonstrate the new generation designer comprehending and exploring art, fashion and apparel culture by combing the original design concept with modern clothing industry.