3-The Textile and Apparel College Held the 2023 Industry-Academia Collaboration Mobilization Conference and Theoretical Education for the 2022 Intake under the Industry-Academia Collaboration Program


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Schoolof Textilesand FashionHeld the Industry-Academia Collaboration Mobilization Conference andTheoretical Education for the 2022 Intake under the Industry-AcademiaCollaboration Program

Publisher:Yanwei Yang Time:2024-04-17

OnApril 14th, the School ofTextiles and Fashion heldIndustry-Academia Collaboration Education Mobilization Conference andTheoretical Education for the 2022 Intake under the Industry-AcademiaCollaboration Program in Classroom F102 of the academic building.Participants included Xie Zhixia, Deputy Secretary of the CollegeParty Committee, Liu Chaofang, Industry-Academia CollaborationCounselor, Ren Fan, Alumni Counselor, Min Yuhan, Counselor forTextile Engineering Majors, outstanding students from the 2022Industry-Academia Collaboration program, and all studentsparticipating in the 2022 Industry-Academia Collaboration program.

Duringthe meeting, Xie Zhixia, Deputy Secretary of the College PartyCommittee, delivered a mobilization speech. She introduced theschool's educational model of "collaborative education,collaborative school management, collaborative innovation, andcollaborative employment." Drawing from her own experiences, sheencouraged students to undertake internships through theIndustry-Academia Collaboration program in companies related to theirmajors, so that they can better understand their profession, clarifytheir career development goals, effectively cultivate theircomprehensive abilities, comprehensively improve their overallquality, and continuously enhance their employment competitiveness.

Industry-AcademiaCollaboration Counselor Liu Chaofang conducted theoretical educationon Industry-Academia Collaboration for the 2022 intake students. Sheintroduced the main content, highlights, and practices of theschool's Industry-Academia Collaboration education program.Additionally, she provided detailed explanations of the specificworkflow and precautions for the three stages of Industry-AcademiaCollaboration education: preparation, implementation, and summation.

Thismobilization conference helped students further understand theessence and mechanism of Industry-Academia Collaboration, clarifiedthe tasks and precautions for participating in it, fully mobilizedtheir enthusiasm for Industry-Academia Collaboration education, andprovided a guarantee for the smooth implementation ofIndustry-Academia Collaboration education this semester.

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