5-Professor Chen Xiaogang from the University of Manchester visited our college for exchanges and delivered an academic lecture.


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ProfessorChen Xiaogang from the University of Manchester visited our collegefor exchanges and delivered an academic lecture

Publisher:Qun Yang Time:2024-03-20

At10 a.m. on December 17th, Professor Chen Xiaogang from the Universityof Manchester delivered a fascinating lecture on three-dimensionaltextile composites in Art Building C210. The lecture was attended byProfessor Xin Binjie, Dean of the Schoolof Textiles and Fashion,Professor Qu Hongjian, Vice Dean, as well as relevant faculty membersand students from the Schoolof Textiles and Fashion.The lecture was hosted by Professor Xin Binjie, Dean of the Schoolof Textiles and Fashion.

ProfessorChen Xiaogang is an academic leader in Textile Science and Technologyat the Department of Materials at the University of Manchester,specializing in teaching and research in textile engineering andmaterials. His main research areas include impact-resistant textilematerials, medical textile materials, textile composites, textilestructures and properties, and CAD/CAM. Professor Chen also serves asthe Chair of the Council Affairs Committee of The Textile Institute,Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal Journal of the TextileInstitute, and English Editor of the "Journal of TextileResearch".

Duringthe lecture, Professor Chen Xiaogang presented on the topic of"Textile Composites," with a focus on three-dimensionaltextile composites. Starting with the selection and desiredcharacteristics of textile composites, Professor Chen elaborated onthe design, production, and testing of three-dimensional textilecomposites. Additionally, he shared the current hot topics inthree-dimensional textile composites, including the quasi-isotropyand hybrid design of materials.

Thelively and informative content of Professor Chen's lecture providedgreat inspiration to the faculty and students in attendance.Professor Chen also provided detailed answers to the questions raisedby the audience. Finally, Dean Xin summarized the exchanges duringthe lecture and expressed his gratitude once again to Professor ChenXiaogang. The lecture was a complete success.

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