18-Textile and Garment College Materials and Chemical Engineering Postgraduates Visit Graduate Practice Base for Study


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Schoolof Textiles and FashionMaterials and Chemical Engineering Postgraduates Visit GraduatePractice Base for Study

Writtenby: Pan Hong, Photography by: Yao Chengjian, Reviewed by: Xu Lihui

Inorder to broaden students' horizons, deepen the integration ofindustry and education, and improve the quality of innovativepostgraduate talent training, on September 29th, postgraduatesmajoring in Materials and Chemical Engineering from the Schoolof Textiles and Fashionvisited the graduate practice base of Shanghai Automotive Carpets &Textiles Co., Ltd. for a study tour.

ShanghaiAutomotive Carpets & Textiles Co., Ltd. is a company specializingin automotive carpets, automotive interior boarding, thermal andsound insulation materials, and technical textiles for industrialapplications. It boasts years of industry experience and advancedtechnological equipment. Through long-term scientific researchcooperation, the company has signed a postgraduate practice basetraining agreement with the Schoolof Textiles and Fashion.At present, the college has sent several postgraduates to conductresearch projects and studies at the base.

LiuChao, the director of Shanghai Automotive Carpets & Textiles Co.,Ltd., introduced in detail the company's business directions, processtechnologies, innovative research and development, and market sales.He also led the teachers and students of our college to visit thecompany's sample display room, research and development laboratory,production workshop, and standardized testing laboratory one by one.During the visit, both sides conducted in-depth exchanges. Inresponse to the question raised by our students, "How can freshgraduates gain an advantage in the job market?", Director LiuChao stated that at this stage, enterprises pay more attention torecruiting employees who can practically apply professional knowledgeto production practice, and fresh graduates with interdisciplinaryknowledge reserves are more likely to be favored by enterprises.

Throughthis visit to the practice base and exchange study, the postgraduatesgained a better understanding of the dynamics of the textile industryand further clarified their next steps in learning and researchdirections. This visit and exchange activity is an important part ofour college's implementation of industry-education integration andimprovement of professional master's degree talent training quality.Our college will continue to strengthen cooperation and exchangeswith textile and apparel enterprises, deepen cooperation withpractice bases, and cultivate more high-quality applied talents withinnovative spirits and practical abilities.

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